ドイツ/ケルン拠点のシンガーソングライター Luna Kellerが、2/23にリリースしたニューシングル 'If I Was No More'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Davide Fantuzzi。
近日発売予定のニューアルバム『Ocean Inside Of Me』収録曲。
プロデュース・ミックスは Dominic Romanoが担当し、演奏に Ben Greenberg, Harley Eblenが参加。
“Putting words to what I was feeling was a big step for me in my mental health journey, and “If I Was No More” helped me see myself and realize that I needed help. In the end, despite being a heavy song it really is a declaration that I want to live despite the weight upon me. The last verse turns it around with “I am once more”. I gave those thoughts space to realize that they are not what I want.”
Luna Keller