Lewis Coleman、'Courts'のMVを公開

Lewis Coleman
Darvid Thor

オーストラリア/メルボルン拠点のマルチインストゥルメンタリスト Lewis Coleman (The Cactus Channel, Frida)が、10/5にBeloved Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Courts'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Jack Ralph。

10/27発売のニューアルバム『Offline』収録曲で、共同プロデュースは Sam Cromack (Ball Park Music)が務めてます。

前回の'Talking To Yourself'に続いてギターが最高です。


“Courts is the stage of grieving when you desperately try to clutch back at something that has gone, washing over anything that was wrong”, says Coleman. Lyrically, it speaks to a disconnected state of mind, an intersection between limbo and self-realisation - “Wait a minute, don’t you love me as much? What if I just changed it up, made it work?”. Coleman journeys through inner dialogue, delicately reconciling moments in his past and arriving with bittersweet clarity as he ponders “Love’s not that clear / Love’s not that fair”.



Lewis Coleman