テキサス州オースティン拠点のエクスペリメンタル・ポップアーティスト Leo Vannが、11/15にリリースしたニューシングル 'The Game'を公開!
'The Game'は来春発売予定のデビューアルバム『IN COLOR』収録曲で、ミックス・共同プロデュースに Mikko Gordon (IDLES, The Smile, Arcade Fire)が参加。
“The Game is a very personal song for me. I wrote it to myself really, I used it as a way to talk myself through a period of grief and the ground falling out from beneath me. A little bit of acceptance, a little bit of frustration and a lot of anxiety - it’s like a messy, contradictory goodbye letter then a big smirk when you finally shrug your shoulders get on with it.” - Leo Vann