スウェーデンのオルタナロックバンド Kluster、'Wild'のMVを公開

Petrowitch Angelina Nina Amalthea

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スウェーデン/マルメ出身のオルタナティヴロックバンド Klusterが、5/22にRama Lama Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Wild'のMVを公開!

制作は Angelina Petrovic, Jonna Jansson。


"Wild is about the harvest of wild berries, giving you stains that never go away. But also about the longing for the fox that lives alone in the wild. In Chinese culture, the fox can also symbolize a being with magical powers, a messenger from the spirit world or the dead. The song can generally be said to be an ongoing inner trial, with memory images having impact as they appear in the dazzling summer light seen from above."

Rama Lama