カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のオルタナティヴポップアーティスト Kelcey Ayerが、1/22にリリースしたデビューシングル 'Don't Look Down'のリリックビデオを公開!
Kelcey Ayerはコロンビア系アメリカ人のミュージシャンで、昨年脱退した Local Nativesや Jaws of Loveで知られる人物。
ストリングスで Yvette Cornelia Holzwarthが参加し、ミックスは Danny Reisch、マスタリングは Max Lorenzenが担当。
“When my son Oskar was born in early 2023, it rocked me to my very core. I spent the first night in the hospital staring at him in his little clear-plastic bassinet while a slow-churning panic attack kept me up all night. I had no idea what it would feel like to see this tiny being and feel the weight of my responsibility to keep him safe. The first few weeks of no sleep and constantly watching over him were equal parts exhausting and rewarding. I’d be frustrated but then see his little green eyes look into mine and I’d be flooded with love and affection. I wrote Don’t Look Down about that time, wrestling with how many emotions that came into full-view, seemingly out of nowhere.”
Kelcey Ayer