オースティン出身ナッシュビル拠点のシンガーソングライター Katy Kirbyが、5/26にKeeled Scalesからリリースしたニューシングル 'Tap Twice'を公開!
あとはやはり Keeled Scales (Twain, Buck Meek of Big Thief, Sun June, Erin Durant)がすくい上げる才能の数々の中でも他のレーベルと特に違いを感じるのが、そのバンドが持っている声の独自性ですね。深みや強み、いろんな尺度があるなかで侘び寂びの趣があるというか。みんな不思議な魅力にあふれてます。
“Tap Twice is about the formation of unspoken agreements in a new relationship, the process of silently negotiating with someone what you might mean to each other, and what happens when negotiation turns into an arm wrestling match over how much you’re willing to reveal. About the weird rapport that develops as you’re circling each other this way (unless it’s all in your head?), triangulating data from small gestures and two-word texts, analyzing the face smiling at you from a profile picture, reading into the murky details of an internet persona. It’s about sooner or later accepting all this as part of the territory--learning to live in that spooky interpretive space with someone, respecting it as a part of the deal you’ve struck up.”