UKガレージロックバンド Johnny Kills、新曲 'My Shirt Guy Is High'を公開

Johnny Kills

6月のデビューシングル 'Let's Talk About Me'で痛快なガレージサウンドを聴かせたイングランド出身のバンド Johnny Killsが、7/25リリースのニューシングル 'My Shirt Guy Is High'を公開!

プロデューサーは Alex Greaves (Seeing Hands, Colour of Spring, Avalanche Party)。

“It’s about self-inflicted boredom and the guiltiness it brings - feeling guilty about doing nothing and thinking that you should do something, anything, but having almost no motivation to do it.” lead Vocalist Tim explains “You begin taking pride in even the smallest achievements to essentially justify your day”

My Shirt Guy Is High
Johnny Kills
Johnny's Killer