コロラド州出身ロサンゼルス拠点のシンガーソングライター Huttonが、1/20にリリースしたニューシングル 'Scream into My Pillow'を公開!
共同プロデュースに Derek Ted (Skullcrusher, Odie Leigh), Noah Weinman (Runnner), Braden Lawrence。
昨年デビューシングルを発表したニューカマー。Sheryl Crowから Chappell Roanまで想起させるようなサウンドで幅広い層に受け入れられそうな予感がします。
“Scream into my pillow is a song I wrote about a boy who, no matter how hard I tried, never liked me as much as I liked him. It's a cute, yet masterful (in my opinion) relatable anthem for teenage girls who feel like they're not enough. Sadness, loneliness, and desperation are emotions that every girl feels at some point in their lives. It may not be polished pop, but I think it could really help a lot of girls to know they're not alone and I feel the same things they do.”