イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Home Countiesが、11/15にSubmarine Cat Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Wild Guess'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Theo Polyzoides。
Home Countiesは Will Harrison, Lois Kelly, Conor Kearney, Dan Hearn, Barn Peiser Pepin, Bill Griffinの6人組。
2枚のEPと複数のシングルを発表し、ロンドンのネクストブレイク筆頭としてここ数年で浮上してきたバンド。これまでに shame, Sports Team, Pip Blom, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, FEET, Courting, bdrmmなどと共演してます。
来年5/3発売のデビューアルバム『Exactly As It Seems』収録曲。バンドのギタリスト Conor Kearneyがプロデュース・レコーディングを行ない、ミックスは Andy Savours (Black Country New Road, Rina Sawayama, Sorry)が担当。
“Wild Guess is the oldest song but latest addition to the new album. It voices a variety of concerns: day-to-day financial worries, fear of social isolation in old age, even a looming future of ecological collapse. It was written as part of an experimental side project which saw never the light of day - and in its original form was like a deranged version of the Wii Sports loading screen, hosting a detuned Ed Miliband speech in replace of the vocals. We revisited the song many times over the years but it never felt quite Home Counties. Over the last year however, as our sound was shifting we gave it one last go. It was an exercise in restraint, holding ourselves back to allow the song to breath. That said, we couldn’t resist retaining some of the original chaos of the original demo, sticking in a drum and bass inspired drop at the end. In that way, the song sets the new parameters of where Home Counties is at the moment...” - Will Harrison