ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Grocerが、4/19にGrind Selectからリリースするニューアルバム『Bless Me』より、'Golden Sedan'を公開!
ミックスは Nate Amos (Water From Your Eyes, This Is Lorelei)。
“Golden Sedan is a look back at a common thread throughout my life, which is being stressed out in the car. As a lifelong traveling musician and anxiety sufferer, I’ve had many of the highest and lowest moments of my life within a van I couldn’t escape for another few minutes (or hours). The lyrics also briefly touch on personal accountability and the illusion of childhood autonomy, but my main goal was exploring the fight or flight response that too often seems to arise for me while on the road.” - Cody Nelson