注目度↑!ノルウェーのインディーポップバンド Great Newsが新曲 'Special Place'を公開

Great News

ノルウェー/ベルゲン出身のインディーポップバンド Great Newsが、6/6にEget Selskapからリリースしたニューシングル 'Special Place'を公開!

Great Newsは、Even Kjelby, Lars Henrik Stoud Platou, Ole Kristian Einarsenの3人によるバンド。来年にデビューアルバムをリリース予定です。

"The song is about a person I knew in secondary school who were into heavy drugs already as a 14 year old. He died of an overdose when he was 16. Nobody knew exactly what he was running from, but it was clear that he didn’t want to be in our world."
ー Even Kjelby