
インディーポップデュオ Feng Suave、'Toking, Dozing'を公開

Feng Suave
Max D'Orsogna

オランダ/アムステルダム拠点のインディーポップデュオ Feng Suaveが、2/21にリリースしたニューシングル 'Toking, Dozing'を公開!

'Toking, Dozing'は、2018年末に発表し2019年の怒涛の快進撃のきっかけとなった名曲 'Venus Flytrap'以来の新曲で、今夏発売予定のEP『Warping Youth』収録曲。

Al Green, Bill Withersの70'sソウル、Unknown Mortal Orchestra, HOMESHAKEのレイジーな質感をベッドルームで結んだポップス。ヨットロックの面影もあるような。間口の広いメロディとあれこれ考えたくなる多面性のある音で無敵ですね。


“Often, lyrics are about the terrible things that happen in the world, but at the end of the day, most people only care about what affects them directly. Either way, dolphins are dying, deforestation is happening at the rate of a football field per second, there’s war and famine; the list goes on… but people are removed, they’re just toking, dozing, ‘cause they can’t find a way to really care, and why would they with their own stuff going on? It’s about the conflict between caring for your own mental and physical health, whilst still being attentive to the bigger picture and caring about the wider world.”