ノースカロライナ州ダーラム拠点のシンガーソングライター Emma Geigerが、2/13にリリースしたニューシングル 'Reverse Bloom'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Emma Geiger, Archer Boyette。
4/26発売のデビューアルバム『Reverse Bloom』のタイトル曲。かつて親しかった友人が2人の仲違いについて歌った曲を発表したこと、についての曲。仲違いした誰かの歌は無数にあるけど、その誰かからの視点は珍しい気がする。
アルバムには Justin Morris (Sluice, Fust), Joe Westerlund (Califone, Sylvan Esso), Zack Kardon (Indigo De Souza, The Dead Tongues), Emma Kelly (Happy Axe, Maple Glider), Michael Grigoni (Taylor Deupree, Chihei Hatakeyama), Katie Addada Shlon (mems), Archer Boyetteらが参加してます。
“When I first heard it, I felt her anger, frustration and bitterness. That friendship meant a lot to me, and losing it really shook me. It brought up a lot of questions about who I am, and who I was in that relationship.” “When I sing “Reverse Bloom” now, I don’t feel as weighed down by the feeling of loss. I’m reminded that the story may have more chapters, and I think that’s something worth remembering in relation to all kinds of losses or regrets. When we tell ourselves that a story is over, it’s like we are preventing it from being changed. “Reverse Bloom” reminds me that endings don’t have to be so final.”
Emma Geiger