Eleni Drake、'Guts'を公開

Eleni Drake
Georgia Walters

ロンドン出身で現在はメルボルンを拠点に活動するシンガーソングライター Eleni Drakeが、1/19にVanilla Sky Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Guts'を公開!

2020年にデビューEP『Vanilla Sky』、2021年にデビューアルバム『Can’t Stop the Dawn』を発表したニューカマー。

'Guts'は5/19発売のニューアルバム『Surf the Sun』収録曲。

たぶん最初に認識したのは Hugo M. Hardy (Big Society, Lexie Carroll)の仕事を調べてるときに前述のデビュー作を聴いたはず。両親が持ってたレコードから流れてきても不思議じゃない普遍的なメロディと歌声が素敵です。


“Guts is really about when someone holds a space for you that makes you feel so full. Being able to open up to someone, share experiences with them, and they respond with such love and care for you, is such a beautiful thing. You feel seen and heard. I typically struggle to open up to people, and always find it easier to do it through my music, but this specific person made me feel like I could tell them anything and I appreciated every moment I got to spend with them. So I guess the song is just about the love and gratitude I have for this person, and big thank you to them, for letting me be a part of their life.”



Eleni Drake
Vanilla Sky