カナダ/ハリファクス拠点のフォークアーティスト Devarrowが、3/27にPaper Bag Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル『Kickin' / In Time』より、'Kickin'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Riley Lamarche。
Devarrowはシンガーソングライター・ギタリスト Graham Ereauxによる名義。
演奏に Evan Matthews, Peter Gillis, Daniel Crowther, Bells Larsenが参加し、ミックスは Daryl Chonka, Graham Ereaux、マスタリングは Graemme Brownが担当。
“The inception of Kickin’ is a bit murky, but the moment it became a full song is a strong and fond memory. The first half of the song came from some doodling in 2017 or so. I brought this to my band when we spent a long weekend demoing and workshopping songs at an old and frigid farmhouse in rural Nova Scotia ... We made a demo that weekend, which almost made the cut as the final version, but perfectionism got the best of me, and I re-recorded it at my home studio in 2020.” “I'd admit that at first it felt like an unfinished two dimensional bedroom recording, but after revisiting it, I found its odd song structure to be strangely compelling, and a nice reflection of what my upcoming project would inevitably be about.” - Devarrow