イングランド/ロンドン拠点で、以前は King Charlesとして知られていたオルタナティヴポップアーティスト Charles Costaが、1/9にBuffalo Gangからリリースしたニューシングル 'Feel Every Minute'を公開!
1/24発売のニューアルバム『Charles Costa』収録曲。
サフォークにある元米空軍基地のアートセンター内のスタジオで6週間のセッションを経て制作された作品で、Jesse Quin (Keane, Mt. Desolation), Tom Hobden (Gang of Youths, Noah and the Whale)が参加。
“You get a lot of good advice on social media from personalities who’ve been there, done it and found the answer. I think everyone wants to go through some kind of process and come out wiser and swelling with advice. What would you say to your younger self before embarking on an exciting experience? I went to live in Manhattan to escape a misery in London, decided to go cold turkey on anti-anxiety medication and try to be free. It seemed like a place where it doesn’t matter what tomorrow brings; ‘you're here to live - so live!’ I didn’t last long in NYC - it was all a bit much for me and returned to London worse for wear.”