フロリダ州オーランド拠点のインディーロックアーティスト Cat Ridgewayが、1/17にリリースしたニューシングル 'Sprinter'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Zach Herrbach, Cat Ridgeway。
シンガーソングライター・マルチインストゥルメンタリストで、2010年に Greg Rike (Deep Purple, Little Feat, Backstreet Boys)プロデュースのデビューEP、2020年にデビューアルバム『Nice to Meet You』を発表。
これまでに Lucy Dacus, Sylvan Esso, Houndmouth, Arcade Fireらのサポートを務め、30A Songwriters Festival, Okeechobee Music and Arts Fest, House of Blues Orlandoなどのフェスに出演してます。
また、大のコーヒー好きで自身の焙煎会社 Jitter Coffee Roastersを経営してます。
共同プロデュースに Mike Savino (Kishi Bashi, Tall Tall Trees)が参加し、ミックスは Dan Molad (Lucius, Coco)、マスタリングは Joe LaPorta (David Bowie, Foo Fighters)が担当。
ソロ、ツアーバンド The Touristsを従えた編成の2つで怒涛のライブスケジュールをこなすミュージシャンです。
“When my friend lost her battle to depression, we were all shocked, and had no idea she was struggling at all” “Mental health so often gets treated like a nuisance, something that should be ignored, hidden, or not taken too seriously. Most anyone who’s lost someone to it will tell you they never saw it coming. The best metaphor I could think of, and what I kept coming back to in the lyric, was how there’s never a convenient time to deal with a check engine light on your car. People just ignore it, keep driving, and hope it turns off… but you can’t do that with a car, and you can’t do that with your life. My friend was a runner, a sprinter, which I found poetic because of how much she metaphorically ran from her problems. I felt like I was doing the same thing. But then I realized by writing this song and album, I was running straight into everything I’d been avoiding processing. It may have been in different directions, but we both ran, so it only felt right to call the record Sprinter.”