イングランド/リーズ拠点のアートロックバンド Caroが、2/12にリリースしたニューシングル 'Fuss About'を公開!
いたずらっぽく縦横無尽に駆け回るアレンジと中毒性のあるメロディーで評判だったバンドで、'Fuss About'は2020年のデビューアルバム『Burrows』以来の新曲です。
“The song’s about gaining a familiarity with depression. After a few rounds of mental ups and downs throughout life, you’re able start to recognise the patterns and behaviours that get you in and out of emotional ruts. And being aware of both the paths in, and the escape routes out kind of took the power out of it. Those feelings then became more numbing than anything and I remembered a time when it was a powerful artistic motivator and found myself missing it even though it meant fantasising about death. Sometimes it feels better to dig yourself into a hole because once you’ve gone as low as you can, the only choice is up. When you’re out of the hole and looking around at an expanse of endless options of what direction to take it can be paralysing.”