Black Bordello、'Nunhead'のMVを公開

Black Bordello
Hannah Mason

ロンドン/ペッカム拠点のアートロックバンド Black Bordelloが、8/24にHideous Mink Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Nunhead'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Will Reid, Sienna Bordello。

Black Bordelloは Sienna Bordello, Eddie Amos, Anthony Boatright, Rachel Asafo-Agyei, Henry Carpenterの5人組。Opus Kink, Fake Turins, Body Horrorを擁する注目レーベル Hideous Minkのニューカマーで、8/27に Goat Girlのサポートを務めます。



“'Nunhead' was written during the plague, at a time when people were confined to their houses. Sienna would visit Nunhead cemetery frequently as a place of refuge and to see the graves of her family members. There she was met face to face by the ills of gentrification. The place that always held profound, peaceful contemplation and wisdom buried deep within its grounds was now ruined by over-privileged pleasure makers who had no real connection to the area or its history. Sienna and the band felt this reflected the overarching psychopathy in our times.”


Black Bordello
Hideous Mink