イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴフォークバンド Bishopskinが、9/8にIsolar Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Mother's Steel Bike'を公開!
前回紹介した収録曲 'Hey Little Sister'も合わせてどうぞ。
Bishopskin、'Hey Little Sister'を公開
“Before I was old enough to go to school my mother would have to cycle me in to drop two of my elder sisters off - I on the front of her bike and my twin sister on the back. As is common with early memories, they are often made by an unconscious blending of one’s own young memories, and the colours of our beloved ones’ memories. I conjure up a smaller, snot-nosed me, singing nonsense into the wind. My mother would say I’d sing this way a lot before I could talk.” - Tiger Nicholson