イングランド/リーズ拠点のソングライター Jacob Andrewsによるソロプロジェクト Big Warm Bedが、3/5にDance To The Radioからリリースしたニューシングル 'Building Roads'のビジュアライザーを公開!
これまでに Divorce, Sam Evian, Cut Worms, Eadesのサポートをしているほか、今回のプロデュースを務めた Joel Johnstonのバンド Far Caspianのライブメンバーとして世界中をツアーしています。
“Building Roads is a song that came from feeling a little stuck in the routine of life while everything else seems to feel like it’s relentlessly moving forward around you.” “A lot of my friends are at the stages in their lives where they are either buying houses and having children or excelling so much in their careers that they can afford to buy whatever their hearts desire. I do feel very lucky and very happy with my day job. To have the flexibility to pursue my art and career in music, is a privilege that not a lot of other creatives have. But sometimes, as I scrape the bottom of my wallet for the last remnants of my monthly wage, I do feel a slight yearning for more and do very quietly wish I’d have stuck with that office job and made my way through the ranks to earn big fat salary every year. However, it’s a trade off I am happy to have made!”