カナダ/バンクーバー・トロント拠点のオルタナティヴポップデュオ Bestfriendが、1/3にNettwerk Music Groupからリリースしたニューシングル 'YOU LOOK JUST LIKE ME'のMVを公開!
制作は JustBeingKyle。
日本でいえば北海道と沖縄くらい離れた遠距離デュオとして以前紹介した面々。その距離は継続したまま、Nettwerkと契約したり先月は Valleyのサポートを務めたり、順調に駆け上がっているのがかっこいいです。
“As individuals, a lot of us are the people we spend our lives with. There are strings tied between ourselves and those people so fine we miss a great deal of them before we’re gone. We pick up pieces of each other as we go and forget they weren’t always ours. Sometimes we don’t even notice ourselves doing it; often it’s our biology doing it for us. In our smallest moments it’s so easy to feel like the only person in the world, when in reality we’re following very similar paths and experiences that our loved ones have. Of course, their moments of weakness are quiet as well, so your similarities are tough to spot. But when you shine a little light on yourselves you can see the strings shimmer.”