
Beezewax、'Closer ft. Sophia Pettit (Night Flowers) & Jon Auer (The Posies)'を公開

David Torch

90年代から北欧ロック・パワーポップの最前線で活躍するノルウェーのバンド Beezewaxが、11/9にSellout! Musicからリリースしたニューシングル 'Closer feat. Sophia Pettit & Jon Auer'を公開!

Beezewaxは Jan-Erik Hoel, Thomas Garder Olsen, Chris Jacobs, Mattias Krohn Nielsen, Kenneth Ishakの5人組。

解散&再結成を経た今もなお素晴らしいバンドであることを実感するには十分すぎる古典的パワーポップ。バッキングボーカルに Sophia Pettit (Night Flowers), Jon Auer (The Posies)が参加。いやーいい曲だなぁ!

今後のライブ予定見たらBuffalo Tomと共演するみたいですし、ベテラン勢もまだまだガンガンいく感じがあってにっこりしちゃいますね。

“Closer is a direct and classic pop song. It follows two characters who are very much alike – very private and keep to themselves but share a love for magnolias and other late-night phenomena”

“The song had a 4AD vibe to me so I started thinking Sophia and Jon would sound good in the song. Also, we thought it would be cool to invite Sophia, one of our current favorites to sing with Jon, an artist that was very important to us when we started the band,” - Kenneth Ishak

Live Dates

27 Nov - Copenhagen, Pumpehuset #
29 Nov - Berlin, Bi Nuu #
01 Dec - Leuven, Het Depot #
02 Dec - Amsterdam, Paradiso #
14 Feb - Brighton, Komedia *
15 Feb - Manchester, Sackville Street *
16 Feb - Oxford, Fusion Arts Space *

#= Supporting Buffalo Tom
*= With Night Flowers

Beezewax feat. Jon Auer, Sophia Pettit
Sellout! Music