ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のアーティスト Avery Friedmanが、4/18にAudio Antiheroからリリースするデビューアルバム『New Thing』より、先行シングル 'Flowers Fell'を公開!
2023年頃からライブを行い、すぐに h. pruz, Dead Gowns, Sister.らと共演。そして、Sister.の James Chrismanにアルバムのレコーディングを誘われて今作が出来上がったようで、演奏には Felix Walworth (Florist, Told Slant), Ryan Cox (Club Aqua), Malia DelaCruz (CIAO MALZ)が参加。
文字通りトントン拍子のスタートダッシュで、この曲が実質デビューシングルでもあるのですが大納得のクオリティ。Big Thief以降の表現を感じさせる部分があって他の収録曲も楽しみです。
“The opening melody for “Flowers Fell” came to me on a headphone-less walk home one night down Greene Avenue in Brooklyn. I had noticed that the flowers that once lined the branches had been replaced by leaves -- seemingly in the blink of an eye. I was briefly disappointed until I considered that the petals had made way for something more sustainable – and equally full of life. The song became a meditation on the concept of place – how things of our surroundings like ‘sidewalks,’ and ‘balconies’ and ‘trees,’ can act as fixed backdrops upon which we measure our personal evolutions (and the evolutions of our relationships) across the span of many seasons.” – Avery Friedman