イングランド/ロンドン拠点のシューゲイザーバンド Adele Dazeemが、4/30にDilettante Soundからリリースしたニューシングル 'Meridian Water'を公開!
Adele Dazeemは Charlie Hearl, Phil O’Connor, Frank Andrewsの3人組。
今回の新曲は6か月ぶりの3枚目で、プロデュースは Rory Atwell (Palma Violets, TRAAMS, Childhood)が担当。
“The three of us were out together late one night and ended up at the train station Meridian Water. We were struck by the imagery of the name, it fit perfectly with the essence of the track we were working on at the time. The song itself is a reflection of the lightness and connection that emerges from vulnerable conversations with those we love”