カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のサイケデリック・ガレージロックバンド Frankie and the Witch Fingersが、3/11にRAS・Greenwayからリリースしたニューシングル 'Economy'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Jenny Baumert。
6/6発売のニューアルバム『Trash Classic』収録曲。
“’Economy’ invades your brain like a late-night infomercial, ruthlessly selling the shiny nightmare of consumer paradise. Synthetic basslines pound like a debt collector that knows you’re home, while jagged guitars slice like overdue bills stamped in red. Urgent synth melodies buzz and ring like reminders to refill prescriptions you can’t afford. Everything throbs to a hammering blown-out beat, teetering on the edge of assembly-line-collapse. Cold electronically layered vocals chant over the frenzy: WORK. SPEND. REPEAT. Grotesque and irresistible, it’s all circling the drain. Families sell their life-force for dinner while corporations rake in unimaginable profits from the very sickness they created. Sound familiar? By the time the electro-punk fueled finale kicks into overdrive, it injects itself straight into your bloodstream, hijacking your senses and stripping everything down to its raw, naked truth. Economy distorts everyday despair into a mutant disco soundtrack—absurd, biting, and disturbingly fun.”