カナダ/バンクーバー拠点のインディーフォークアーティスト Dylan Perkonsが、3/5にApophenia Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Edge of the World feat. Sian Alcorn'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Michael Makaroff。
Dylan Perkonsはカリフォルニア州サンタマリア出身のシンガーソングライター・マルチインストゥルメンタリスト。
バンド Mind That Bird, Wired to the Skyを経て、2019年にデビューアルバム『The Healing Day』を発表。これまでに Colin Stewart (Dan Mangan, Black Mountain, Yukon Blonde), James Benjamin, David Vertesiらとコラボレーションを行ってます。
'Edge of the World'の共同プロデュースは Jonas Bonnetta (Evening Hymns)が務め、ボーカリストに Sian Alcornを迎え、演奏に Michal C Duguay, Jonas Bonnettaが参加。
“I wrote "Edge of the World" pretty much all in one sitting. That rarely happens to me, but when it does, it always feels like something really special is happening. When I started writing this song, I was thinking about one particular day I spent swimming in a lake with someone I love very much. Relationships are made up of so many moments, seconds, hours, and days, but there are always some that really stay with me and feel almost magical in my memory. What had started as a song about being afraid to jump off a cliff into a lake turned into a reflection on forgiveness and letting go of regret, about choosing to make mistakes and grow from them and choosing to heal. But also recognizing that healing can take a lifetime - "Cause the heart it moves at a glacial pace, but I swear I'm getting better every day".”