ナイジェリア出身ノースカロライナ州育ちのソングライター・ミュージシャン Uwadeが、2/26にEhiose Records・Thirty Tigersからリリースしたニューシングル '(I Wonder) What We're Made Of'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Jason Wishnow。
“Romantic love gets a lot of attention so when I was workshopping the project that would turn into ‘I Wonder,’ I wanted it to take on a different shade. It was about affection, gratitude, and devotion. Who better to dedicate it to than the people who have carried me through my life: my friends,” “This past summer I took a Latin class where we translated Cicero’s 2000-year-old treatise on friendship, De Amicitia. In it one of the characters claims that a friend is an alter idem–another of the same kind, a second self. This is what this song is all about; since we’re cut from the same cloth, I wonder what we’re made of.”