Where's Beth、'Devotion'のMVを公開

Where's Beth

ニューヨーク拠点のドリームポップアーティスト Where's Bethが、5/15にリリースしたニューシングル 'Devotion'のMVを公開!

制作は Anastasia Neff。

Where's Bethはソングライター Sarabeth Weszelyによるソロプロジェクト。

'Devotion'は近日発売予定のニューアルバム『Bone Broth』収録曲で、プロデュースは John Mark Nelson (Taylor Swift, Trousdale, Jenny Owen Youngs)。

Beach Houseを彷彿とさせるドラムマシンとフォーク由来の爽やかなギターとメロディーが映える楽曲です。


“Devotion is about anger, forgiveness, and reconciling with the past. I wrote it as a response to painful experiences I had growing up as a girl in the American evangelical church. The time when I wrote the song was a time of simultaneous disillusionment and re-enchantment, letting go of "devotion" to harmful beliefs and leaders while preserving and growing my devotion to life and to love (and to one person in particular; I was engaged when I wrote the song).”



Where's Beth