イリノイ州シカゴ拠点のインディーロックバンド Ocean Childが、4/26にリリースしたニューシングル 'Sun'を公開!
Ocean Childは2019年にフロントマン Marco Landaverdeを中心に結成したバンド。
これまでに SALES, Inhalerのサポートを務め、VIALと共演してます。
“I was given a book called Forms of Vitality by Daniel Stern; he writes about something he calls “vitality dynamics”—the experience of changes in the intensity of an action. Stern says that these discontinuities of movement are what reveal the subjective experience of “aliveness” in the arts. For this song, I found myself playing with Stern’s idea. Beyond simply loudness dynamics between sections, I wanted the instruments to feel as if they exist in multiple rooms/spaces all at once.”