イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Rats-Tailsが、4/10にRock Todayからリリースしたニューシングル 'Flowers'のMVを公開!
制作は Samuel Hart。
Rats-Tailsは Courtney McMahon, Chris Bull, Samuel Hart, Frankie Di Stani, Pitt Vitheethumの4人組。
これまでに Girl Ray, Tapir!, Honeyglaze, The Last Whole Earth Catalog, cotobaなどと共演してきたニューカマー。
“You’ll never know all of the Flowers” verbatim, was my response to a long term ex-partner admitting he loved the ‘idea’ of me, rather than actual me. After processing the end of this relationship and the weight of his misogyny, I began a journey of discovering what I wish to do in life. ‘Flowers’ is about embracing your personal metamorphosis: the ugly and beautiful parts of you and your history. The sound of the track reflects that metamorphosis - it’s so colourful, full of twists & turns. It plays with genres, resulting in a dreamy and chaotic song about embracing your life journey. ‘Flowers’ is a great track to perform live, I can’t help but dance away with the rats and our crowd. I forget that the track stems from a moment of misogyny.” - Courtney McMahon