イングランド/ブリストル拠点のガレージ・ポストパンクバンド HOLY POPESが、2/8にMan Demolish Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'APPLES'のMVを公開!
“The arrest, and later conviction, of a serving police officer within the MET for two decades of horrific crimes against women summarised a rage that had been building for years. Combined with the murder of Sarah Everard—again, by a serving police officer—as well as the Casey review documenting institutional racism and misogyny within the MET police, there was no way this song could not spill out of us. Too often we refer to these incidents as ‘rotten apples’...but with the evidence of corruption, silencing and solidarity within the ranks of the police, it’s not one rotten apple; the whole barrel is rotten. We do not consent to violence, racism or misogyny. If this is policing by consent, what is the option other than to oppose it?”