カナダ/フレデリクトン拠点のチェンバーポップバンド Pallmerが、1/12にSoft Voice Recordsからリリースしたデビューアルバム『Swimming』より、'Carbon'のMVを公開!
制作は Jordan Anthony Greer。
11月発表のタイトル曲が素晴らしくて楽しみにしてた作品で、プロデュースは Joshua Van Tassel (ex-Great Lake Swimmers, Villages, Nico Paulo)が担当。
“This track changed and developed a lot over time,” “It’s about the pressure to craft an image of yourself, presenting an almost performative, branded version of your every day to the public. When we first began performing it live, it felt like an amorphous beast, changing show to show. When we brought it to JVT, he sculpted the tune out of all these little ideas we presented him with.” “I think imperfection, friction, awkwardness are all important parts of being human,” “They create space for conversation, humor and relatability. It’s like in pottery, where you score the clay when you bring two pieces together to create a stronger connection and bond.” - Emily Kennedy