
Claire Louise

オーストラリア/メルボルン拠点のインディーポップアーティスト Romanieが、1/12にリリースしたニューシングル 'Anthony'を公開!

Romanieはベルギー出身のシンガーソングライター Romanie Asseによるソロプロジェクト。これまでに Woodlock, Grand Pine, Velvet Bloom, Kaitlin Keeganなどのサポートを務めてます。

'I'm Anything (But Myself Around You)'の優しい音色も良かったけど、Middle Kidsのようなアッパー感を携えた今回の新曲もめっちゃいい。

共同プロデュースに Alex O’Gorman (Angie McMahon, BATTS), Hamish Patrick (George Alice, Gretta Ray)を迎え、マスタリングは Isaac Barter (Alex The Astronaut, Didirri)が担当。


“I remember coming home from the cinema late at night and getting this wave of inspiration. I sat down with my guitar and wrote the song almost completely in one go. We were still in and out of lockdowns and I was chatting on Zoom with my friends from overseas Michiel and Kate who encouraged me to finish the song. The first band rehearsal back, we played Anthony through and it felt like magic to make this song into something bigger with my band, so much fun.” - Romanie