ノルウェー/ベルゲンを拠点に活動するインディーロックアーティスト Bo Milliが、8/12にリリースしたニューシングル 'How it is'を公開!
今作の共同プロデュースはデビューシングル'At The Wheel'と同じく Odd Martin (Sløtface, Sigrid, AURORA)が務めてます。
Sigrid, AURORAを擁する MADE Managementと契約した新人。
オスロの人気フェス by:Larmへの出演も決まってますし、今年はまだ新曲を発表していくそうなので注目度が高まりそうですね。
“Originally the chorus was this tiny bit where I say "you know how it is" — a sort of anti-chorus undermining the idea of a thesis statement. This song is mainly made up of lines gesturing towards a vague dissatisfaction everyone seems to relate to, without really saying much outright. The second verse briefly references how this feeling and this way of writing seems to have been pervasive for a good while, as "that strokes hit" plays at some party. They debuted in 2001 with an album that I feel sums up this mode that a lot of music still operates within. Odd Martin came back to me suggesting the song have an actual chorus and when I messed around I found a riff I really liked, something kind of "big" in line with the original idea. I added a couple of lines I’d written while feeling horrible on a very long bus trip.”
19 August - Landmark, Bergen - Norway (Headline)
15-17 Sep - by:Larm, Oslo - Norway
22 October - Kulturnatt, Haugesund - Norway
次の記事:Bo Milli、'FOMO'を公開
Bo Milli