Monét Ngo、'Lonestar'のリリックビデオを公開


カリフォルニア州サンノゼ出身のソングライター Monét Ngoが、3/16にUnity Recからリリースしたデビューシングル 'Lonestar'のリリックビデオを公開!

Monét Ngoはベトナム系アメリカ人で、数ヶ月前に作成したTikTokのアカウントは25万以上のいいねと約1万人のフォロワーを獲得した新人です。



“Lonestar was written at one of the lowest points in my life. It was a time where I was feeling a lot of social anxiety amongst my peers and I was dwelling on past mistakes and conversations. I was feeling very disassociated from my body and mind due to a bad tattooing experience on top of already dealing with a lot of daily anxiety. I was at a turning point in my life where I wasn’t sure who I wanted to be or what I wanted to do next with my future. Should I follow the safe route and pursue teaching, or should I work even harder to pursue my dream with music?”


Monét Ngo
Unity Rec