エクスペリメンタル・ロックバンド Shady Nasty、'AA'のMVを公開

Shady Nasty
Kazuya Yoshino

オーストラリア/シドニー拠点のトリオ Shady Nastyが、2/21にRoyal Mountain Records・Inertia MusicからリリースするEP『Bad Posture』より、先行シングル 'AA'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Harry Welsh, Luca Watson。


""AA" sees a band member speak to his declining mental health after a painful lung operation. Sinking untold hours into FPS and RPG video games during his recovery, his grip on reality begins to slip." - Luca Watson


Live Dates

March 13th - New Colossus Festival - Pianos (3:45PM) - New York, NY
March 13th - New Colossus Festival - The Delancey (8:15PM) - New York, NY
March 16th - SXSW - Austin, TX

Shady Nasty
Royal Mountain