Current Affairs、アルバム『Object & Subject』をリリース

Current Affairs
Current Affairs

スコットランド/グラスゴー出身のポストパンクバンド Current Affairsが、10/11にTough Love Recordsからリリースするニューアルバム『Object & Subject』より、先行シングル 'Cheap Cuts'を公開!

Current Affairsは、Andrew Milk (Shopping), Joan Sweeney (ex-The Royal We), Josh Longton (The Downs, Kaspar Hauser), Sebastian Rivera (ex-Anxiety, Pissy)によるバンド。

“‘Cheap Cuts’ is one of the first songs we wrote together when we started the band so we think it's one of our most exciting ones. It demonstrates a lot about the sound we want to explore and the way we interact musically. When we wrote it public services were facing a round of cuts, so the song is a nudge at that.” - Joan


追記:'Breeding Feeling'が公開されました。

Live Dates

23 - 25 Aug | Jupiter Rising Festival, Edinburgh
12 Oct | The Rum Shack, Glasgow

Object & Subject
Current Affairs
Tough Love