ポストパンクバンド Yard Act、'Peanuts'を公開

Yard Act
James Brown

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イングランド/リーズ拠点のポストパンクバンド Yard Actが、11/3にZen F.C.からリリースしたニューシングル 'Peanuts'を公開!

ex-Menace Beachのメンバーによる新バンドの3曲目。ギタリストとして Sam Shjipstone (Holodrum, Ruthie)が新たに加入しており、この曲の中盤では彼の実祖父で歌手・口笛奏者 Ronnie Ronaldeの'In a Monastery Garden'を使用してます。


“While "Peanuts" is quite clearly about a woman killing her imaginary husband, it’s also about accepting that we don’t all see the world in the same way. It feels to me that divisions are getting more extreme. We’re continually squeezing what should be a wide ranging spectrum of opinions and beliefs into two immovable castles towering either side of an unelected, unaccountable line in the sand. We’re all so scared about getting something wrong that we share mantras in the form of failsafe memes rather than asking ourselves, and each other, the hard questions. We’re so certain we’re right that we can’t comprehend why someone else could see the world differently to the way we do.” - James Smith


Yard Act
Zen F.C.