Wax Owls、'Ladybug Season'を公開

Wax Owls

カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のインディーフォークバンド Wax Owlsが、9/6にリリースしたデビューEP『Cowboy Cologne』より、'Ladybug Season'を公開!



The Lumineers, Mumford and Sonsが好きな人におすすめです。


“I wrote Ladybug season following my mom having an unexpected heart attack the exact same evening that Chris broke his leg and was rushed to the ER. I was visiting Chris in the ER when my sister called to tell me that my mom was being rushed to the ER for a heart attack. Thankfully, they are both ok. But the song is about navigating that frightening experience. I ended up staying a few nights in the hospital with my mom. We didn’t have much to do to pass the time and she likes listening to me play guitar, so I ended up writing the guitar part while in the hospital room with her. It felt appropriate to use that guitar part as the basis for the instrumental of this song.”
