マンチェスターのトリオ W. H. Lung、'Symmetry'を公開

W. H. Lung

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イングランド/マンチェスター拠点のトリオ W. H. Lungが、10/29にMelodicからリリースしたニューシングル 'Symmetry'を公開!

4月にデビューアルバムを発表して絶好調な彼らの新曲。収益はマンチェスターのホームレス支援団体 Mustard Tree, Booth Centreに寄付されます。


"There’s a statue of Alan Turing in a small park just off canal street in Manchester city centre. The statue has always struck me as odd, the face is quite childishly done and Turing seems to be offering his fruit to passers-by. People often sit with him and take pictures. The park is also regularly attended by the homeless community of Manchester. As visible a presence on the streets now as the statues of the great and famous." - Joseph E


Live Dates

9th November - Iceland Airwaves festival, Reykjavik
22nd November - Riverside, Newcastle
23rd November - Moles, Bath
24th November - Patterns, Brighton
25th November - Rich Mix, London
26th November - Academy 3, Manchester

W. H. Lung