インディーロックバンド Vistas、'15 Years'のMVを公開

Nial Lee

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スコットランド/エディンバラ出身のインディーロックバンド Vistasが、5/29にRetrospect Recordsからリリースするデビューアルバム『Everything Changes in the End』より、先行シングル '15 Years'のMVを公開!


“‘The video for “15 Years” was born out of necessity. We had a lot of plans for the next few months including a trip to SXSW and filming a video for “15 years”, but as the world changed so did our plans. Our fans are the lifeblood of this band and with them being stuck indoors and us having to postpone our tours we wanted to bring them a little joy and fun to break the monotony of isolation life. So here’s “15 Years” and thank you to the fans for making it!” - Prentice Robertson


15 Years