イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴ・ソウルアーティスト VC Pinesが、8/24にClub CarouselからリリースしたEP『SUPERMAN』より、タイトル曲のMVを公開!
制作は Apollo Films。
VC Pinesはシンガーソングライター Jack Mercerによる名義。この夏だけで The Great Escape, Glastonbury, Secret Garden Party, Rock Oyster Festival, Altitude Festival, Valley Fest, Boardmastersなどのフェスに出演してきた期待のホープです。
“SUPERMAN is about biting off more than you can chew and self sabotage. There are people in your life who mean more to you than life itself, but you let things get in the way, and you lose sight of what’s important, until it’s too late... It’s also very easy to promise more to those you love, than you can deliver. So you live in this constant state of feeling like you’ve let everyone down, which is a dark dark place.” “I’ve recently started working on my FOMO - Since writing this, I realised that I was saying yes to EVERYTHING and then being exhausted for, or missing the things that really mattered. I think that’s what happens when I write, a lot of it is my subconscious, and I only realise how I’ve been feeling until the song is finished.”
12/09 Brighton, The Hope & Ruin
13/09 Birmingham, Hare & Hounds
14/09 Bristol, Rough Trade
15/09 London, Lafayette
29/09 Sheffield, Sidney and Matilda
30/09 Leeds, Hyde Park Book Club
01/10 Glasgow, The Hug & Pint
02/10 Edinburgh, Voodoo Rooms
03/10 Newcastle, Zerox
04/10 Manchester, YES