オーストラリア/ニューカッスル拠点のマルチインストゥルメンタリスト Cody Broughmanによるソロプロジェクト underlayが、10/6にNettwerk Music Groupからリリースしたニューシングル 'Haircut'を公開!
共同プロデュースは Campbell Burns (Vacations)。
“Haircuts was probably the hardest song to write for me, personally. Lyrically it’s the darkest on the EP but I always love juxtaposing that with pop music. In 2021 I had a serious illness that I hadn’t really addressed, and when I finally did I was basically given only a few months of a deadline before it would kill me. The song is about coming home from the appointment and having to tell my partner and friends what was really happening, and trying to promise that I was going to be able to stick around.”