
ポストパンクバンド Torrid Horror、'To Tear at the Sea'を公開

Torrid Horror

イングランド出身のポストパンクバンド Torrid Horrorが、4/2にリリースしたニューシングル 'To Tear at the Sea'を公開!

Torrid Horrorは Caine, Maudの2人組。レコーディングはPETBRICKのWayne Adams (Kooba Tercu, USA Nails)が担当。



“This song is plainly about grief, The huge meat truncheon of life, the great swaying hammer of loss, memories and questions, drenched in garish post-punk garage prog. Its start is immediate and leads you on a 7-minute journey through the drudge of false belief and biblical sized frustration. We briefly stop at a quiet moment of reflection and end with a thick slice of euphoric acceptance. And big saxophone. Big grief party time.” - Caine