

イングランド/リヴァプール拠点のアーティスト Toniaが、11/25にリリースしたニューシングル 'Afloat'を公開!

リヴァプール国際音楽祭(LIMF)が運営する、若手ミュージシャンの支援の場 LIMF Academyが選ぶ最も有望なアーティストの1人になったニューカマーです。有名どころだと XamVoloを輩出してますね。

ライブではこれまでに Michael Aldagのサポート、ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィルハーモニ―管弦楽団にゲスト出演しており、最初のヘッドラインもソールドアウトという順風満帆な勢いです。



“It sounds like I’m talking to someone else but, with hindsight, Afloat is more a message for myself: I became very dependent on a relationship and struggled to stand on my own two feet. This became draining on the other person and I also hated the way it made me feel. I couldn't make any decisions or think for myself - I lost trust in my own decisions and thoughts. 

I have been focusing on really learning to trust myself and truly knowing what’s best for me. All my friends will agree that I always second-guess myself even if what I’m saying is right. I wrote Afloat at the perfect time. It was exactly what I needed to say to someone and also the realisation of what was missing in the relationship. 

Maybe I realised slightly too late but I learnt that it is so important, to be honest. Your own feelings are valid even if it means hurting someone you care about.” - Tonia