Tommy Ashby、'Sophie'を公開

Tommy Ashby
Andy Little

スコットランド出身で音響心理学の博士号を持つシンガーソングライター Tommy Ashbyが、2/28にDance To The Radioからリリースしたニューシングル 'Sophie'を公開!



“I’ve been prone to overanalysing everything in life, I’m a bit clumsy and awkward both physically and in conversation. I’m a bit jealous of people who appear to float through things, having fun all the time and who, just through walking in a room, seem to put people at ease. We’ve all had friends like that; where they let you tag along even though they are infinitely cooler. You never understood why they wanted you around at all, but you were very happy that they did.”



Tommy Ashby
Dance To The Radio