スコットランド出身で音響心理学の博士号を持つシンガーソングライター Tommy Ashbyが、1/15にDance To The Radioからリリースしたニューシングル 'Dangerous'を公開!
共同作曲に Chris Bond (Ben Howard, Nick Mulvey)が参加したセルフプロデュース作品。
すでに今年8月開催のフェス Between The Trees Festivalに出演が決定し、諸々の動きも活発になるようで楽しみです。
“It’s definitely a character driven song, written from the point of view of a person in a turbulent relationship. I often feel like people are lonely little islands desperately trying to find ways of connecting with each other.” “Sometimes we put on a front, trying to convince the world that we are not scared all the time. When you find a strong connection with someone it can be dangerous, they cause you to lose control of your rational thoughts and just want to feel the strong emotions all the time.”