スウェーデン拠点のインディーロックアーティスト They Owe Usが、1/31にExquisite Felineからリリースしたニューシングル 'All on RED'のMVを公開!
制作は Gym Jönsson。
演奏に Truls Mörck (Graveyard, Stora Vilan), Anton Tuvesson (Fägring), Andy D. Park (Death Cab For Cutie, Deep Sea Diver)が参加し、マスタリングは Henrik Alsérが担当。
本人的にはインスピレーションを受けたバンドでもある The Walkmen, Rideのラインで作ったようで、確かに分かるなーとか思いつつ、オルガンの響きが特徴的なロックという意味では The Walkmenに加えて Wolf Parade, Yo La Tengo, Spacemen 3辺りに近いテイストを感じさせます。
“My grandfather miraculously escaped from the Hungarian revolution in 1956. He was a master of the art of living who I never heard complain about anything during his 96 long years. I have vivid memories of him and my grandmother sitting in the kitchen in Gothenburg, smoking hand-rolled cigarettes with a miniature roulette table in the middle of the table. Laughter, the smell of food frying, smoker’s cough and gambling are central parts of my young and many memories in that kitchen. My grandfather’s advice for everything in life was always ”all on red”, with a big smile all over his face.When I started producing records, distortion and noise were my camouflage. As I didn’t know any better, it became my sound. All on red got a new meaning, but for me, it was just as much about gambling and having fun. Like in that smoky kitchen, in the early years of life.”