ドイツ/ベルリン拠点のポストパンクバンド The Underground Youthが、1/28にFuzz Clubからリリースしたニューシングル 'You (The Feral Human Thunderstorm)'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Olya Dyer。
ミュージシャン・ライター Craig Dyer率いるバンドの12枚目。
“‘You (The Feral Human Thunderstorm)’ kicks open the doors of the new record. As the opening track it encompasses the mood of the whole album, walls of crackling hip-hop drums, layers of strings and background noise, repeating and building, old tape chewing its way around the reel. Lyrically it’s something of a romantic country ballad, but dragged through an entirely different and new sound for The Underground Youth.” - Craig Dyer